Well, its been a looong time since Mama let me blog…
She had some trouble wif da internet not running fast lately…But my pal Josh helped ta fix it fur her over da weekend!
Mama sayz I’ve been up ta no good lately…Well I did do a couple things ta make her say that…I guess.
So here’s da scoop…er, what I’ve been up ta lately…

That’s me stealin Daddy’s walking stick on the trail…Funny story…
Daddy told Mama to sit down on an old stump to take a rest…Mama said she didn’t wanna sit on the stump, so Daddy did.
Mama got out some snacks and threw him some string cheese (She didn’t throw me any either
So, Mama threw it sorta hard and it hit Daddy and made him flinch…when he did, the stump broke in half causing Daddy to get stuck in it, and Mama had to help Daddy get up, and when he tried ta use his walking stick to help himself up…I ran over and grabbed it from him and ran! Mama was laughing so hard…It was great fun!

Here is my Robin friend…He visits me every day in da window, and even knocks on da back door.

Nope, that’s not me…It’s the card we got Daddy fur his birthday yesterday!…mama sayz that’s just how I look whenever I see somethin that scares me!
I gave Daddy a birthday present too…but Mama sayz I can’t show ya a picture of it…Mama did not like the present at all but Daddy sure did!
I got Daddy a chipmunk…I caught him myself!
Good thing Mama wasn’t home at the time…when I caught that first chipmunk...But I chased her around the patio wif da second one I caught...Mama said it was not funny.
Emma would have been proud though…She was a good chipmunk hunter…Daddy sayz they get into his stuff and tears it up…I used ta do that myself, but I don’t anymore!

I was sad to see this little bird friend die, ’…I only hunt chipmunks…Mama loves her bird friends and so do I. We like to watch them play at the bird feeder…The neighbor’s kitty probably caught this one…That kitty teases me and Sasha all the time when we’re outside in the yard…Mama brought the bird inside to take a picture of him before she buried him in the yard. Mama called him a ‘Grosbeak …He was very pretty... Like me.
There has been a LOT of people coming to visit me lately…There wuz six little girls with their mama and daddy…

I tried ta steal a hotdog from one of em…
then there was my uncle Tom with his son and soon to be daughter in law, and then there wuz a nice UPS delivery guy, and my Mama’s friend from down the street, and another neighbor man from down the street, and then my favorite…Sarah and Josh…(my sister and brother in law) Even though they were once more like my Mama and Daddy when I used ta live with them.
And then of course…a month ago my sister Sam brought her new puppy Molly to meet me…I gave her my toy squirrel, and she gave me her toy pink flamingo…It is my favorite, and the squirrel is her favorite toy now too, even though it is as big as her!
Here is Molly sittin on my bed.
Here is me on my bed.
Oh yeah, I almost furgot to tell ya that Mama furgave me fur all my misbehavin'…She told me I was a good boy fur playing so nice wif the kids and wif Molly, and the UPS guy and everybuddy else.
Well, that about wraps it up fur now…I gotta take a nap on my bed now…That last picture made me feel sleepy!
She had some trouble wif da internet not running fast lately…But my pal Josh helped ta fix it fur her over da weekend!
Mama sayz I’ve been up ta no good lately…Well I did do a couple things ta make her say that…I guess.
So here’s da scoop…er, what I’ve been up ta lately…

That’s me stealin Daddy’s walking stick on the trail…Funny story…
Daddy told Mama to sit down on an old stump to take a rest…Mama said she didn’t wanna sit on the stump, so Daddy did.
Mama got out some snacks and threw him some string cheese (She didn’t throw me any either

So, Mama threw it sorta hard and it hit Daddy and made him flinch…when he did, the stump broke in half causing Daddy to get stuck in it, and Mama had to help Daddy get up, and when he tried ta use his walking stick to help himself up…I ran over and grabbed it from him and ran! Mama was laughing so hard…It was great fun!

Here is my Robin friend…He visits me every day in da window, and even knocks on da back door.

Nope, that’s not me…It’s the card we got Daddy fur his birthday yesterday!…mama sayz that’s just how I look whenever I see somethin that scares me!
I gave Daddy a birthday present too…but Mama sayz I can’t show ya a picture of it…Mama did not like the present at all but Daddy sure did!
I got Daddy a chipmunk…I caught him myself!
Good thing Mama wasn’t home at the time…when I caught that first chipmunk...But I chased her around the patio wif da second one I caught...Mama said it was not funny.
Emma would have been proud though…She was a good chipmunk hunter…Daddy sayz they get into his stuff and tears it up…I used ta do that myself, but I don’t anymore!

I was sad to see this little bird friend die, ’…I only hunt chipmunks…Mama loves her bird friends and so do I. We like to watch them play at the bird feeder…The neighbor’s kitty probably caught this one…That kitty teases me and Sasha all the time when we’re outside in the yard…Mama brought the bird inside to take a picture of him before she buried him in the yard. Mama called him a ‘Grosbeak …He was very pretty... Like me.
There has been a LOT of people coming to visit me lately…There wuz six little girls with their mama and daddy…

I tried ta steal a hotdog from one of em…
then there was my uncle Tom with his son and soon to be daughter in law, and then there wuz a nice UPS delivery guy, and my Mama’s friend from down the street, and another neighbor man from down the street, and then my favorite…Sarah and Josh…(my sister and brother in law) Even though they were once more like my Mama and Daddy when I used ta live with them.
And then of course…a month ago my sister Sam brought her new puppy Molly to meet me…I gave her my toy squirrel, and she gave me her toy pink flamingo…It is my favorite, and the squirrel is her favorite toy now too, even though it is as big as her!

Oh yeah, I almost furgot to tell ya that Mama furgave me fur all my misbehavin'…She told me I was a good boy fur playing so nice wif the kids and wif Molly, and the UPS guy and everybuddy else.
Well, that about wraps it up fur now…I gotta take a nap on my bed now…That last picture made me feel sleepy!
Hello Buddy, so nice to get an update on you my friend. You sure have been busy lately. Getting in trouble like me, uh, maybe I should not have said that. The story about your daddy on the stump, cracked me up, ruff ruff. I hope your daddy had a nice birthday. I cannot believe what you did with the chipmunks, that is too yucky for me!! Sorry about the little birdy, so sad. Glad you had a lot of company, fun time for sure. Glad your momma forgave your bad behavior. Take care my friend. Remember, your friend Coco loves you.
ReplyDeleteBuddy, please come visit my blog. You won two awards.
ReplyDeleteDid you ever notice that those who question the purpose of Christian baptism never doubt the reason for the baptism of John The Baptist?
Mark 1:4 John came baptizing in the wilderness and preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.(NKJV)
There are no "faith only" believers who claim that John was baptizing people because their sins were already forgiven, yet they are quick to claim that Christian baptism is performed because sins have already been forgiven.
Luke 3:7 Then he said to the multitudes that came to be baptized by him, "Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?(NKJV)
If the multitudes could escape the wrath of God by being baptized by John, then would it not be so, that believers in Christ can escape God's wrath by submitting to Christian baptism?
Luke 7:29-30 And when all the people heard Him, even the tax collectors justified God, having been baptized with the baptism of John. 30 But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God for themselves not having been baptized by him.(NKJV)
Luke 7:29-30 And all who heard John preach---even the most wicked ,of them---agreed that God's requirements were right, and they were baptized by him. 30 All, that is, except the Pharisees and teachers of Moses' law. They rejected God's plan for them and refused John's baptism.(The Living Bible-Paraphrased)
Are the modern day pharisees and their followers rejecting God's plan for themselves by deny that water baptism is essential to salvation? Are contemporary church leaders rejecting God's plan by claiming the sprinkling and pouring water on unbelieving babies and sprinkling and pouring water on believing adults is Christian baptism?
Jesus gave us God's plan for salvation. (Mark 16:16 "He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.(NKJV) Why do modern day teachers reject God's plan for themselves?
John's baptism has been obsolete since AD 33, on the Day of Pentecost.(Acts 19:1-4)(Acts 2:38)
Christian baptism is only obsolete in the eyes of modern day pharisees who teach man-made doctrines concerning water baptism.
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